Ohio Cyber Security Solutions


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Incident response

Incident response is a critical component of cybersecurity strategy, aimed at effectively managing and mitigating the impact of security incidents on an organization's information systems.

Digital investigations

Digital investigations are systematic processes employed to uncover, analyze, and respond to cyber incidents or suspected cybercrimes. In today's interconnected world, where digital interactions are pervasive

Forensic investigations

Forensic investigations represent a specialized and meticulous approach to analyzing and interpreting evidence in legal contexts. In the realm of digital forensics, professionals apply investigative techniques to uncover

Tabletop exercises

Tabletop exercises are a valuable and proactive approach to testing and improving an organization's response capabilities to various scenarios, such as cybersecurity incidents, natural disasters, or other emergencies.

Incident response review & development

Incident response review and development are integral components of a robust cybersecurity strategy. Periodic assessment and refinement of an organization's incident

Lessons learned review

This examination involves assessing what went well, what could have been done differently, and identifying areas for improvement. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the response


Welcome to Ohio Cyber Security Solutions, your trusted partner in safeguarding digital landscapes. At Ohio Cyber Security Solutions, we are committed to fortifying the cyber defenses of businesses and individuals across the state. With an ever-evolving threat landscape, our mission is to provide comprehensive, cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions tailored to meet the unique challenges faced by our clients.

Secure your data, secure your future.

By prioritizing the security of our digital infrastructure, we pave the way for innovation, economic growth, and the seamless flow of information.

Effective Approach for Your Cyber Security

Tabletop exercises

During a tabletop exercise, participants discuss and strategize their response to simulated incidents

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Email Investigations

Investigators leverage advanced techniques and tools to analyze email headers, content, attachments, and metadata.

Digital investigations

These investigations play a pivotal role in addressing cybercrime, fraud, and various forms of illicit digital activities.

Incident response

he process typically begins with the identification of an incident through continuous monitoring and analysis of security alerts.

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